Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic)

About the Colon

The colon or large intestine is the end portion of the human gastrointestinal tract approximately 5 feet long. The main functions of the colon are absorption of water and minerals and the formation and elimination of fecal matter. The colon contains a variety of billions of micro flora or bacteria.  These bacteria aid digestion, promote vital nutrient production, maintain pH (acid-base) balance, and prevent proliferation of harmful bacteria. These bacteria provide important functions such as the synthesis of folic acid and valuable nutrients from food, including vitamin ‘K’ and portions of the ‘B’ complex.

What Is Colon Hydrotherapy Cleansing?

Colon hydrotherapy cleans out the colon with triple filtered temperature-controlled water. During this procedure a tube is inserted gently into the rectum. A slow flow of water enters the colon and then released. The therapist may massage your abdomen to help move the water around for further hydration. After the colonic, fecal matter (poop) and the liquid used during the procedure is flushed out of your body. You will be taken to a toilet to complete this process.
The entire session generally takes around 50 minutes from start to finish.
Colon hydrotherapy may help in cleansing the body and aiding in detoxification.Colon hydrotherapy may also help if you are experiencing the following symptoms:
  • Constipation
  • Bloating and gas, diarrhea

  • Premenstrual syndrome

  • Intestinal parasites

  • Allergies

  • Food intolerances

  • Joint pain, joint creaking or popping

  • Decreased libido, depression or irritability

  • Candida
  • Colds/Flu
  • Painful menstruation

  • Noticeable fatigue or low energy

  • Inability to think clearly or concentrate

  • Bad cramping, including menstrual cramps

  • Skin impurities & dull complexion

  • Weight gain, inability to lose weight

  • Frequent headaches or migraines

  • Trouble falling asleep or trouble waking up in the morning

A contraindication is a condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain treatment due to the harm it could potentially cause. Below is a list of most contraindications for having this service done at Lavender Wellness.
Those taking Prednisone or blood thinners are also prohibited from receiving this service due to the possibility of those medications weakening the intestinal walls.
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